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Answers to questions about Azure that we often see at Cornell

Example Category

Example Question

Example Answer


How do I request a Cornell Azure subscription?

To request a Cornell Azure subscription, or to migrate an Azure subscription you already have to the Cornell Azure Enterprise Agreement, complete this form:

How do I access my Cornell Azure subscription?

Login to with your Cornell NetId credentials. If the login process asks you, choose "school/work account", not " account".


How much does Azure support cost?

Azure support is free at present, whether you seek it directly from Azure or ask the CIT Cloud Team.

How do I get technical support for Azure?

You can request support from Azure directly (??? how do customers do this???) or from the CIT Cloud Team ( At present the CIT Cloud Team is ramping up expertise in Azure so support is available on a best-effort basis.

Costs & Billing

How am I billed for my Azure charges?

What will Azure cost me? Does Cornell get any discounts in Azure?

Is there a data egress waiver in Azure, like there is in AWS?


Is there private network connectivity between the Ithaca campus and Azure?