
This problem could be simulated in either 2D or 3D by employing the proper geometric assumptions and boundary conditions. Since AIM provides a 3D capability, there are several simplifications that must be made to the geometry. When the shape is drawn, we want to create a quarter symmetric model of the geometry so that proper supports can be added to the model that do not over constrain the model. By creating these one dimensional supports we allow the body to be subjected to the forces of the problem while preventing any rigid body translation and/or rotation of the body in space.

Draw Geometry

Click the Z-axis on the compass in the bottom left corner of the screen to look at only the XY-plane. Right click in the empty white space and choose Select New Sketch Plane so that the plane we are sketching on will be on the XY-plane. Next, select the line tool and beginning at the origin, make a 8 inch line going in the positive Y direction and then another line in the positive X direction for 1 inch.

Make another line on the positive X-axis starting from the origin for 4 inches and then another 4 inches in the positive Y direction.

In order to get a fillet edge where these two lines intersect first we need to intersect them. Create a line starting from the open points of the sketch and allow them to intersect, the distance at which you actually make the lines is arbitrary.

Next, trim the extra lines.

Lastly, use the Create Rounded Corner tool to make a fillet edge between the new corner, the problem specified it’s radius to be 1 inch. The Create Rounded Corner tool is selected in the Sketch section of the toolbar in the picture below.

In order to make this sketch the stepped shaft that is required, it must be rotated around the X axis. Since the sketch is now complete, select the pull tool in the Edit section of the toolbar. Utilize the Revolve feature by picking the Y axis to rotate about and then pull the sketch one quarter circle or 1.5708 radians which is 90 degrees . It should look like the object in the picture below.

Go to Step 3: Mesh

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