Spring and summer 2017 steps to follow for select staff required to use Identity Finder "now". Different process expected for the fall for "everyone". :-)

See also

Launch Identity Finder software and ensure correct version installed

Expect version "9.1.4" or "", depending on how checked.

Enter shared security code (don't store results)

On first splash screen, view Advanced configuration screen

(screen shot?)

Change what gets scanned, and where it scans

In Advanced configuration screen, click on the Data Types tab and click icons to De-select and Select from defaults such that you only have the following selected:

Click on the Locations tab and click icons to De-select and Select from defaults such that you only have the following selected/ enabled:

Click on the Configuration tab and click icons to De-select and Select from defaults such that you only have the following selected:

Open Settings. Do so by clicking on the File tab, and then the Settings button. On the left side of Settings, click on Popular. Under the section Integration with Windows Explorer, disable the "Enable" options. Specifically, click off the check-boxes so that you:

Insert USB thumb drive and change setting to "don't scan"