How to add a machine to Jamf Pro using QuickAdd Package created by Casper (Jamf Pro) Recon tool

Using a QuickAdd package


Enroll Computers using QuickAdd Package.


Creating a QuickAdd package


Use Recon to create a QuickAdd package that enrolls computers when the package is installed on computers.


Steps to create a QuickAdd package:

  1. Open Recon Application; If it is the first time to run a Casper Suite app, you'll see a Preferences dialog box, asking for your JSS Address. Enter: Then select QuickAdd Package in left sidebar;
  2. Username:chemit-managed or physit-managed
  3. Password choose "Randomly generate password"
  4. check "Create management account if it doesn't exist" and check "Hide management account"
  5. Leave other non-checked
  6. Site: choose AS-Chemistry - CHM, orĀ  AS-Physics - PHY
  7. Click Create button, save as: "JAMFQuickAdd-Chemistry-***" (*** is date eg..12112017) or "JAMFQuickadd-Physics-***" then click Save button.
  8. Save the latest packages into T:\Macintosh\Casper, JAMF Pro