

Reserved Instances

Scheduled Instances



Instance Size Flexibility

Guaranteed Capacity

Payment Options


Consolidated Billing

Reserved Instance Marketplace

Questions for AWS

  1. What are the possible situations where single instance running in an AWS account with a purchased RI (that matches) would ever be charged more than the RI hourly price? Multiple stops/starts within clock hour (or instance hour)?
  2. Additional clarification about instance hour vs. clock hour as they relate to billing.
  3. Assuming an RI is purchased in account A but the benefit is being used by account B. When account A turns on a qualifying instance, when does the RI benefit swing back?
  4. If the actual cost savings between 100% up front and 0% up front is ~5%, why bother with 100% up front?
  5. Many of the RI benefits are Linux only. I'd like to see an actual table of what benefit applies to what OS.
  6. Are the billing and usage rules the same for RDS RIs?