In our annual arXiv update, we signaled that there would be some minor changes to the existing model, including an increase to annual membership fees to accommodate for increasing costs (as the rates have been flat for the last five years), adding a new top tier for institutions that are heavy users of arXiv, and using an average based on the last three-years’ usage in calculating annual tiers.  We are pleased to present to you the 2018–2022 arXiv sustainability plan, which aims to inform you of the upcoming changes and provide information about the state of arXiv: 

2018-2022 Sustainability Plan for Classic arXiv

We are grateful for the assistance of the Member Advisory Board in reviewing and approving the suggested changes. 

In addition to the new FAQ, please see arXiv Membership Program for additional background information about the arXiv Sustainability Initiative.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read the new business model.  We are grateful for support from 208 libraries worldwide that enables the sustainability of arXiv as an essential component of scholarly communication for many scientists all around the world. 

We welcome your questions and comments as we aim to improve the FAQ accordingly ( ). We will be contacting member libraries and labs in a few weeks to confirm their anticipated tiers and fees for 2018.

Oya Y. Rieger | Associate University Librarian |arXiv Program Director | Scholarly Resources & Preservation Services | Cornell University Library |

Chloe McLaren | arXiv Membership Program Coordinator| Digital Scholarship and Preservation Services | Cornell