Thank you to the 616 arXiv enthusiasts who made our online giving campaign a success! Together you donated a total of $31,722 in one week, which will go towards keeping arXiv a robust and growing open access resource. We are very grateful to have such engaged supporters.

arXiv’s baseline maintenance costs are sponsored with support from 200+ member libraries & research labs, the Simons Foundation, and Cornell University Library.  Stewardship of resources such as arXiv involves not only covering the daily operational costs but also continuing to enhance their value based on the needs of the user community and the evolving patterns and modes of scholarly communication. The purpose of the online fund raising campaign was to allow arXiv to engage in new initiatives, and to robustly support arXiv’s Open Access mission.

We are grateful for your support. It is through the support from the dedicated community of arXiv that we are able to run the service.