A new sponsorship model for arXiv.org aims to encourage more libraries and research institutions around the world to support the repository by becoming members.

To help broaden membership, arXiv's leadership and Anurag Acharya, co-creator of Google Scholar, have worked together to develop a model in which individual sponsors provide membership fees for institutions unable to afford them. To help launch this model, Acharya has sponsored the membership fees for three leading physics research institutions in India.

"arXiv is an incredible resource," Acharya said. "It has made it possible for researchers everywhere to learn from their colleagues worldwide. Now, everyone with the inclination can join colleagues on the shared frontier of science. While most people associate arXiv with physics, its reach has expanded to many other fields, increasing the visibility and influence of scholarly articles.”

Finding new, sustainable funding avenues to support current operations and upgrades of its aging code has been an important effort for the arXiv team.

“Users have made it clear that arXiv is a trusted and essential resource, and we want to make sure it remains useful and available to the scientific community,” said Oya Rieger, arXiv’s program director and associate university librarian for scholarly resources and preservation services. “We’re pleased to announce these new relationships, which help arXiv toward that important goal.”

arXiv.org is maintained and operated by Cornell University Library with guidance from the Scientific Advisory Board, the Member Advisory Board and the help of numerous subject moderators. Its financial support comes from the Simons Foundation, Cornell University Library, and a global collective of 200 institutional members.

-1/26/17, Melanie Lefkowicz, Staff Writer, Cornell University Library
