Options outlined on this page since ChromeOS depends on Google Cloud Print and that service is not supported by Chemistry research group printers.

See also

Tech and options change so note that:

Options, or work-arounds

Depending on your technical chops, here are some options we've thought about- your mileage may vary.

Information and considerations

Chemistry IT staff have confirmed that at this time (1/6/2017) it is not possible for the ChromeOS to directly print to a departmental printer, including those within research groups. The ChromeOS only prints through Google Cloud Print (GCP). Indeed, there are  no print drivers for the ChromeOS, unlike for MacOS, Windows, and some Linux systems. Also, no departmental printers supported GCP. And even if they did, we currently are not set up to enable direct access of the local group printers from off-campus. Sorry.

Chemistry IT staff will keep our eyes open to additional alternative solutions than those composed above, and we remain hopeful especially as technological offerings continue to emerge here on campus.