Gillian Strandberg's Individual Contribution Page

Fall 2016 Semester Contributions

This semester, I was part of the AguaClara Investments Team, working and conducting research to find sustainable funding sources to expand the reach of AguaClara.  The most important investment challenge facing the organization currently is the lack of capital required for the initial costs to build the water sanitation plants. So far this semester, my group and I have conducted extensive research focused on the background of the impact investing industry and the most popular product structures that are currently employed in this industry.  We have compared the most popular structures of debt, equity, and equity-like debt financing, and have concluded that debt is the most optimal source of funding, given the specific financial characteristics of AguaClara. We then conducted further research on these debt structures by gathering information on loans, royalties, and bonds and compiling a master list of potential investors. For the remainder of this semester, we will continue our research and hopefully come up with a finalized financial product to actually offer to potential investors to get them excited about AguaClara's mission and impact proposition.