Meeting Notes - Oct 3, 2016

Erin, Amy, Gaby.

  1. Team organization
    1. meetings
      1. we will keep meetings every two weeks in calendar and cancel if not needed. 
      2. Gaby will schedule meetings
    2. communication
      1. via email as needed; face time during meetings or via webex
      2. Box Folder created :
  2. Scope of our task
    1. Definition of internationalization
    2. Working with programs that support international students here
    3. working with programs that support students' experiences abroad.

2a. Our definition ideas:

Our Working Definition:  from the GLOBAL CU website:

Our primary mission is academic: to help students develop skills that prepare them to move successfully and responsibly through the world. We work with colleges, schools, and units to increase access and opportunities so that 100 percent of Cornell students have viable options for global learning, whether in Ithaca, New York City, or abroad.

2b/c. Our Task

Start with GLOBAL Cornell website and identify the following points from the list of "resources" (links) at bottom of webpage of CU Cornell (see list of links below):

Each of us takes three links and puts information in Box:

  1. what they do - program description; if dates include
  2. who they support (e.g., UG, GR, professional,. etc.) & what Colleges/ Departments/Majors & numbers/
  3. main contact/office/key personnel
  4. library involvement/presence.



Action Items for next meeting


MEETING  October 19, 2017

Amy, Erin, Gaby, Patrick.

To keep in mind moving forward:

Agenda item for Nov 2 meeting with larger group  (meeting is now moved to Nov 14. gc10/31)

Action items for Nov 7 meeting: