Agenda, June , 2017

  1. Housekeeping - need note taker
  2. Welcome new people
  3. Sub-team updates -
    1. Website - NA
    2. Technology/Learning Spaces
    3. LibGuides -
    4. Assessment 
    5. Programming
    6. Information Literacy/Instruction Leadership
  4. Workshops- how to make a cohesive list
  5. Travel fellowship award
  6. Immersion report group discussion- Kelly L
  7. Digital Literacy site:


PSEC Instruction – June 15, 2017

  1. Missing notes for April.  Who took these notes?
  2. Welcome to new members – Tom Ottaviano, Camille Andrews, Mark Williams
  3. Sub-team updates:
    1. LibGuides – U Wisc wants to borrow our LibGuides page.  Kelly created this and is talking with them.  No problem sharing.
    2. Programming – End of year event feedback was almost entirely positive.  Some feedback that morning intro content was unnecessary.  Good feedback about the Fake News workshops.  A little rushed in lightning round.  Consider this feedback for programming for next year. 
    3. Assessment – Team held refresher for Mann Librarians on CLIQ.  Will do these on request.  Will also host open sessions for all librarians.  Team has received data from Spring semester.  Participation is going down.  Reviewed annual goals – rename survey, coordinate with assessment, host practitioner discussions.  Team has created annual timeline.  Will hand this off to next team.  Will close out work at last meeting.  Remaining goal – unit targets for distribution.  Will check in with administration to see if data is useful.  Is it useful for discussions with faculty?  Rely on admin advocacy for librarian buy in.  Xin has asked for priority topics for UL.  This could be one.  Tony noted that Olin librarians indicated that they did not get anything actionable from the Fall 2016 results.  Olin will be surveying faculty that they work with.  Instructors send email to faculty they have worked with.  Are they happy with “the product”?  Kelee and Kelly got very good feedback from their talk at LOEX about assessment.  Impressed that central unit helps with analyzing the results.  CLIQ survey is useful for accreditation report.  Malikah has left Cornell, so she has left this team.  Mary will bring assessment issue to Library Directors Leadership Team and Xin.
    4. Info Lit/Instruction Leadership – Kelly is recruiting instructors for the orientation sessions for August 2017 – Getting Started and Intro to Academic Library.  Intro to Academic Library is our contribution to Cornell internationalization efforts.  Mann Stone Lab was not reserved for the scheduled sessions.  Tom and Kelee will look for other options.  Kelly will follow up with Melanie.  We proposed asking Matt and Sean to record the sessions.  Would this be useful?  May be hard to video an interactive session. Kelly mentioned the online teaching workshop on June 14.  Would like to have same workshop for library instructors – possible end of semester event.  
    5. Master list of workshops – grad students have requested this.  Oya also had a need for this.  Online calendar may be able to show this, but should we do joint marketing?  For example, poster in Olin elevators only includes Olin workshops – should we do a group list for all CUL workshops? What is the goal?  Should we have a marketing/communication sub-team?  Yes.  Change default on libcal calendar?  List vs. monthly.  Is there expectation that workshops are added to CU Events calendar?  Mann and Olin are doing this.  Add widget saying – Not seeing a workshop you want?  Ask a librarian.  Brand the libcal with Cornell branding.  Will continue discussion at next meeting
    6. Travel fellowship – Camille and Sara E.  Presentation time and format tbd.
    7. Kelly – Immersion report - group discussion.  Kelly needs to create a SWOT report in preparation for immersion.  How many librarians involved in instruction?  Is anyone more than 50% devoted to instruction?  Tony and Kelee have over 50%.  What about law?  Mostly credit classes.  Gaby calculated ratio of librarians who teach to students.  Kornelia may have done something about aggregated teaching tally.   Decentralized environment makes it hard to scaffold instruction across the university.
    8. Digital literacy site:  - did not have time to look at this.  Will need to move to next agenda.



Agenda, April 12, 2017

  1. Housekeeping - need note taker
  2. PowerNotes
    2. Presentation regarding the use of PowerNotes for students- by Dan Hodgman via Zoom
  3. Sub-team updates -
    1. Website - NA
    2. Technology/Learning Spaces
    3. LibGuides -
    4. Assessment 
    5. Programming
    6. Information Literacy/Instruction Leadership

Agenda, March 8,  2017

  1. Housekeeping - 5m
    a. Note taker/additional agenda items- need notes from February meeting added to confluence
  2. Sub-team updates -
    1. Website - NA
    2. Technology/Learning Spaces
      1. There will be a presentation by the Video Task Force at R&O on 3/21
      2. The Video Task Force is working with ATC and will be doing student interviews for videos soon
    3. LibGuides - Kelle suggested a training on LibWizard surveys in the future
    4. Assessment 
      1. All data from Fall 2016 has been submitted
      2. First round of processing is complete and Gaby is working on reports
    5. Programming
      1. The Programming Committee has been working with R&O and the Liaison Steering Committee on a program on May 16th
      2. First program item will be an interactive theater program run by the Ithaca Civic Ensemble
      3. There will also be some program items from our own librarians yet to be determined
      4. Jesse is going to lead a Battledecks program to wrap up the day
      5. Some kind of breakfast and lunch will be provided
    6. Information Literacy/Instruction Leadership
      1. Mary reported that she received no applications for the IL Fellowship
      2. Mary suggested that we evolve this into an IL Travel Award instead. All present liked this idea
      3. Following the meeting Mary confirmed that Kornelia and Xin have agreed to do the travel award this year
      4. Gaby reported on a faculty panel she recently attended regarding online teaching which also included faculty who are doing hybrid classes
      5. She mentioned there was a lot of interest in short very focused 3-4 minute videos that can be produced quickly and easily
      6. There is another Framework dive coming up soon. It may be pushed to April since ACRL is in March
  3. Short update
    1. Fake News Workshop
      1. Kelee reported that there will be four of these offered this semester. She has done two. Michael has done one and has another one scheduled
      2. They have each created their own LibGuide and there may be an effort in the future to combine them
      3. Kelee created an infographic which see showed to the committee
      4. The workshops included a strong focus on evaluating information sources
      5. There was some discuss regarding possible future workshops
      6. There will also be an outreach effort to alumni on this topic

Agenda, February 7, 2017

  1. Housekeeping - 5m
    a. Note taker/additional agenda items
  2. Sub-team updates -
    1. Website - none
    2. Technology/Learning Spaces
      1. Kelee meeting with OLMTF leads with Academic Technologies
      2. COLC Sign up if interested! Event is March 7th, 1:30-4:30 pm
      3. CUL Media Space - Tre will make you your own channel if you want (public or hidden)
    3. LibGuides
      1. Chrome is best browser to use for LG
      2. Still need to create guide for Framework series
    4. Assessment
      1. Held January refresher, 4 attendees new to survey and/or Cornell
      2. Mann-specific training upcoming (ask if your unit wants a custom training)
      3. Fall 2016 survey data submitted. Team has created new methods for collecting data.
      4. Question about future of CLIQ with library administration changing. Perhaps at March meeting gather Q's and talking points for Xin about Instruction Team
    5. Programming - see end of minutes
    6. Information Literacy/Instruction Leadership
      1. Info Lit fellowship awaiting submissions
      2. PILOT (Peer Observation program) - 4 matches
  3. Short update
    1. Working on Fake News Workshop
      1. Developed after seeing something similar from Penn. Sessions on 3/3 and 3/22. Kelee will share lesson plan and dates/times. Could be crossed over to a video potentially.
    2. End of semester event possibly co-sponsored with R&O
      1. Working with R&O and Liaison Steering
      2. Follow up to David Feldshuh program in some way
      3. Programming meeting coming up to plan

Agenda, November 9, 2016


  1. Housekeeping - 5m
    a. Note taker/additional agenda items- Who was the notetaker for October meeting? 
  2. Sub-team updates -
    1. Website - Nina and Melissa are working on this. Jeremy renewed call to include a note about the instructional videos, even in the absence of any positive 'testimony' from faculty (pointed out that given that we can link directly to some of the existing videos, we might not even need anyone's testimony to tell them how good the service is).

    2. Technology/Learning Spaces - The online learning module/video meeting had a meeting last week; at least 3 possible projects are in the works. (For Jeremy's proposed ENGRC video, it was suggested that he speak with Traci Nathans-Kelly, whom he was familiar with)

    3. LibGuides - No response from SpringShare yet in regarding multiple problems having to do with the Assets menu. We have had multiple problems with seemingly undeletable 'zombie' content in the Assets module. ILR has a very structured process for the creation, addition and removal of Asset content, but would like a 'batch process' for elimination of outdated or undesired content from that menu. Also: the LibGuides search function is still not fully function. 

    1. Assessment - A Qualtrics training was held on Oct. 13 for Olin staff; likely will have another such training at some point in the future. Zsuzsa and Kornelia presented some of the results of the PULSE survey of undergraduates plus the survey of faculty at ACRL. Still investigating the usage of paper surveys (Jeremy pointed out that using paper surveys–and implicitly requiring that students hand them in at the end of a class before they're allowed to leave-- Aliqae offered personalized instruction in how to enter the results of paper surveys online.

    2. Programming - There was some discussion of potential December programming, possibly including digital teaching, libguides and video production. Jeremy also mentioned that Jesse Koennecke is still willing to do an event having do with improv presentation skills (BattleDecks), though that would not be until the end of the spring semester.

    3. Information Literacy/Instruction Leadership - There was much discussion having to do with the framework and it's relationship to the existing standards. Although there was some vigorous debate, most people seem willing to accept the framework as an adequate replacement for the older standards. Chris Miller also described the upcoming Course Design Institute, the participants (now up to 7) need library partners, who could confer with them during the lunch portion of the program. Regarding the Information Literacy Fellowship program, we can expect to re-launch it in January, although our planned-for date to solicit new applications due at the end of November may be approaching too fast to be practical.


Agenda, October 12, 2016

  1. Housekeeping - 5m
    a. Note taker/additional agenda items
  2. Sub-team updates -
    1. Website
    2. Technology/Learning Spaces
    3. LibGuides
    4. Assessment
      1. help us create a new name for the survey- some issues with the term "assessment survey"-  Ideas PIE, LIE, PIT  using terms like tool, evaluation, literacy
      2. gathering feedback on sticking points with the use of the survey- what is the comfort level- how can we limit or remove barriers to use?
      3. need CUL wide programming for using qualtrics, embedding in libguides and so on- talk to programming about this event (perhaps in Nov.)
    5. Programming
    6. Information Literacy/Instruction Leadership

Agenda, September 14, 2016

  1. Housekeeping - 5m
    a. Note taker/additional agenda items
  2. Sub-team updates - 20m SMART Goal progress
    1. Website - see goal and mockup of a new Workshops page
    2. Technology/Learning Spaces -
    3. LibGuides -
    4. Assessment -
    5. Programming -
    6. Information Literacy/Instruction Leadership
  3. Proposal for Information Literacy Fellowship(s) – 5 m  update
  4. PSEC Instruction Charge- 5m Draft
    1. Provide leadership to CUL in its commitment to effective instruction and comprehensive information literacy, through providing professional development opportunities, planning for allied initiatives, and advising CUL on strategies and goals. Within PSEC Instruction, tasks are divided into sub-teams: leadership, programming, assessment, technology and learning spaces, and libguides.


Notetaker: Jeremy Cusker

SMART Goals updates from the subcommittees


Technology and Learning Spaces




Instructional literacy

PSEC Instruction charge



Agenda, August 18, 2016

1. Peer mentoring program

2. Follow up on David Feldshuh program

3. Continue work on assessment

4. Launch information literacy fellowship program

5. Collaborate with Online learning task force

6. ACRL Framework - develop our plans for implementation


Minutes, August 18, 2016


Sub-team updates:

LibGuides - new button on home page.  Now link for guideowners to ask questions.  Sending out newsletter with updates re software plus reminders.  Some staff leaving - need to transfer guides.  Planning 2 events - LibGuides Lounge - clean up pages.  Will do session for teaching actively with guides.  Many new staff do not have LibWizard accounts.  Kelly will set these up.  LibCal accts come from Jeremy. All PSEC instruction members have accounts.  Not all LibGuide accts have LibCal accounts.  LibCal has 2 parts.  Room reservation piece managed by PTAC.  Events scheduling - Jeremy. 

Tech subgroup - PSEC needs to discuss whether internal CUL events will be managed by LibCal.  Kelly will bring this to PSEC.  Anyone using Evance needs to know that it is going away.  LibCal brief intro should happen at R&O.  Could Nina who is also member of R&O do this?  Learning spaces - forming learning spaces team at PSEC level, also sponsored by Ezra.  This group would like our learning spaces document as background.

Programming - kelly, eric, jeremy, lance and chris.  Will be meeting soon.

Assessment - new members - gaby, kelee p, aliqae and x.  Kelee is working on report from last year's assessment.  Aliqae sent email to inst coordinators to let them know that we are continuing the survey from last semester.  Aug 23 meeting scheduled - will discuss how to align with SMART goals.

Website - workshop page does not point to any workshops.  Link is not noticeable. Does anyone have access to make changes.  New list of events did not exist when we were creating the new website.  Can now remove links to individual libraries and create link to new list of workshops in LibCal.  Some libraries don't use LibCal, so need to think about how to list everything.  Encourage libraries with workshops who are not using LibCal to use LibCal?  Add search box to search the LibCal listing?  Gaby will find out who is not using LibCal.  They will be encouraged to move to LibCal.  Need training.  Move large link to all available workshops to top of page.  Ask Melissa about search box - SEARCH WORKSHOPS.  Website team: gaby, nina, mary, tony

SMART goal for year - solve problems with workshop page.


  1. Peer Mentoring - Programming sub-group
  2. Follow up on David Feldshuh program - Programming sub-group
  3. Continue to work on assessment - Assessment sub-team determine specifics, come back to next meeting. aliqae
  4. Launch info lit fellowship program - Assess program at end of year.
  5. Collaborate with online learning task force - priority but not a SMART goal
  6. Develop plans for implementing ACRL framework - needs its own goal/team?  leadership team take this one
  7. Web-related goal - Fix workshop page


Use the framework that Kelee will send out.  Each sub-team will finalize a SMART goal for their area.  Organize process for follow up, compile.  Leadership team will come up with timeline.

Decision - 2nd Wednesday for meeting.  Next meeting is Sept 14.\