M.Eng. and Undergrad Project Announcement
Project title: Cornell University Sustainable Design (CUSD)
Brief description of project:
In an effort involving students from every College at Cornell, Cornell University Sustainable (CUSD) is a Cornell student project team that is the creative force behind a number of sustainability projects that you could be a part of including:

Come to our information sessions listed below to learn more about these projects and other CUSD. Students from ALL MAJORS WELCOME.
Course Credit and/or M-Eng Project credit are available. Undergraduate and Graduate Students are Welcomed.
Information Sessions will be held on at the times and locations specified on the CUSD website: www.cusd.cornell.edu
Faculty sponsor: contact person is David R. Schneider (drs44)
also with Sirietta Simoncini and Bruce Land
Cornell address: drs44@cornell.edu, 612 Rhodes
Project Web Site: www.cusd.cornell.edu
Time Frame: 2016-2017