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Alex Mellnik, October 23, 2014

It's possible to get 0.5 um lines with this recipe. The values are optimized for sapphire substrates, and the last bake and the development time may need to be adjusted depending on the substrate.


Resist Recipe for Liftoff or Etching

  1. Spin LOR-3A in the class 2 room for 60 s at 3000 RPM with 1000 RPM/s acceleration.
  2. Bake 5 min at 180 C.
  3. Spin S-1813 for 60 s at 3000 RPM with 1000 RPM/s acceleration.
  4. Bake 1:15 at 115 C for sapphire substrates.
  5. Expose 0.26 seconds in the 5x stepper.
  6. Develop for 1:30 in 726-MIF developer using minimal agitation.
  7. Rinse in DI water.

Suggestions for mounting pieces in the 5x:

Mahmoud Elzouka, July 27, 2015

Lift-off tips: