As of 10/19/16 (though truly from 2013-2014 during MoS2 work):

Chip Spinning:
  1. spin 4% 495 @ 3000 rpm, 1000 ramp, 60 s (resist will be ~150 nm thick)
  2. spin 2% 950 @ 3000 rpm, 1000 ramp, 60 s (resist will be ~50 nm thick)
(develop in 1:3 MIBK:IPA - see below - & lift-off in 1:1 methylene chloride:acetone)
E-beam Writing on the Nabity
  1. Measure the current in pA for all apertures you are going to use (typically, 10 µm ap => 30-40 pA & 60 µm ap => ~1000+ pA)
  2. Parameters common to all run files (including alignment):
    1. gun @ 20 kV
    2. 900 magnification
    3. general params:
  1. alignment windows:
  2. pattern writing of fine features:
  3. pattern writing of large features:
*see screenshots below


step 1 - copy gds file into this directory:

step 2 - right click to convert gds to dc2:

step 2.1 - change drawing unit size to 1 and press convert:

step 3 - right click on new dc2 file and select DesignCAD Express:

step 3.1 - click NPGS - setdump

step 3.1.1 - the dump point is green:

step 3.2 - click NPGS - MaxMag:

step 3.3 - click NPGS - save - exit when done - then re-open to double check dump existence:

step 4 - right click on dc2 - choose run file editor:

step 4.1 - for fine contacts process 2 entities - set params as shown - pattern name is name of dc2 file:

step 4.2 - 1st entity is alignment - set params as shown - insert measured beam current in pA:

step 4.2.1 - skip all non alignment layers:

step 4.3 - 2nd entity for fine contacts - skip all alignment layers - change line to area dose:

step 4.3.1 - enter params as shown - same for each layer! - skip contact pad layer - remember to update measured current

step 4.4 - save run file - extension RF6 - and exit:

step 5 - find run file - right click - process run file:

step 5.1 - click continue - the writing will start!

step 6 - set up contact pad exposure - use these params:

step 6.1 - skip all but contact pad layer - enter params - remember to update measured current - proceed as before: