Background: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar 11:z41:e,n,z15 (antigenic type 11:z41:e,n,z15), a previously-unidentified serovar, was found in Greece in Spring 2016. Investigation is ongoing, and confirmation of the new serovar is still underway at this time.

Animal reservoir: It is not known if serovar 11:z41:e,n,z15 is associated with any animals at this time.

Geographical distribution: Serovar 11:z41:e,n,z15 is a new antigenic type found in Greece.

Outbreaks: Outbreaks have been associated with Salmonella antigenic type 11:z41:e,n,z15. 

YearLocationAssociated SourceNumber of Cases
2016GreeceUnknown10 (+1 asymptomatic)


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