June 15, 2016 at 10 am in Olin 702

In attendance:


February 24, 2016 at 10 am in Olin 703

In attendance: Boris, Susette, Hannah, Mira, Tre, Marsha, Liz


Three different rights statements (open, closed, somewhere in between) need to be determined by Amy

Hannah will look for thumbnails, etc.

Will these each be deposited in CULAR? Yes, but we have the master files. Folders for each collection and folders for exports, documentation...one place for just documentation related to migration, not necessarily to collection.





January 6, 2016 at 1 pm in Olin 703

In attendance: Mira, Tre, Liz, Melissa, Hannah, Jenn, Susette, Marsha

Two migrations about to be completed: Luna and Pictor! Great news!
