Hopefully past concerns have been addressed, but info held here in case review required.

Info for historical purposes

Presumed completed, as of 6/16/2016:

(2) Outward facing (2 web sites)


5/23/16: Ryan wrote Matthew Ivaliotes <lotus> and Jackie Milhans <milhans> asking which method most research groups use in the college to host a website, and reporting on some results from Ryan's export/ import efforts using Cornell's and Northwestern's  EduBlogs/Campus Press services.

(2A) Cornell-based group web site (CU Blogs)

Past activity

Ryan: Investigate if Northwestern has a web development service to recreate the two blogs. To expand on the investigation Ryan has already done.

Confirmed by Oliver: CIT can't add value, even if we paid them.


Ryan: Got a Northwestern ID and got a site started. Exported data, but theme and thus look-and-feel (and navigation) did not migrate. Tried it within a non-EduBlogs WordPress site Ryan set up, with similar results.

Contact from Northwestern

From: Matthew C Ivaliotes [lotus]
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 10:08 PM
To: Oliver B. Habicht <oh10>; Jackie Milhans <milhans>
Cc: Ryan Patrick Bisbey <rpb223>
Subject: Re: Data storage and filesharing - Dichtel group


I’m with Weinberg IT, and we’re also available to help. We also understand there is more website-related work as part of the group’s move. Don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything my team can do.



Matthew Ivaliotes
Manager, Systems Solutions
Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Northwestern University
(847) 467-1544


As of 4/29/16 report from Ryan, these options did not look like they will work:

(2B) Cornell-based CATON site (CU Blogs)

See also

Next step

To still get done

(3) Ordering new technology through Northwestern

Ryan and Will to work with Northwestern to purchase new IT equipment. Some items include:

Cornell email and NetID on departure


Leaving the university usually has someone's NetID access, including access to email, stopped in about 30 days.

Will's status: Will be Adjunct, for years

Students going to Northwestern and their status



Other or past info:

Facilitating ideas


Cornell Active Directory (AD), both PCs and Macs

Problem statement

Computers (PCs, Macs) are currently on Cornell's AD, and access is by NetID. That is not a sustainable configuration for when the computers are outside Cornell, even if will work in the short-term.

Next step



One way: Hand-edit the uid and the gid of the accounts to match the new AD's user account.


One way: ChemIT in the past has used (many years ago) a tool called Forensit.

Another possibility: Microsoft's Easy Transfer tool.


Next step

Group must understand licensing at Northwestern, and how it will affect them.




Material Studio

Cornell file share service (SFS)

Next steps

Contact and info from Northwestern

From: Jackie Milhans <milhans>  
Date: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 9:50 AM
To: "Oliver B. Habicht" <oh10>
Cc: Ryan Patrick Bisbey <rpb223>
Subject: Re: Data storage and filesharing - Dichtel group

Hi Oliver,

Thank you for the confirmation. I think all that’s left is data transfer. If you let me know your preferable method, I can make sure everything is in place on our end.

Ryan – When you get a Northwestern NetID, could you request a data storage share? http://www.it.northwestern.edu/research/user-services/storage/research-data.html. If you do not have Will’s NetID and do not yet have a chart string, let me know.



Cornell-based group web site (CU Blogs)

Next steps

Ryan: Try to get a Northwestern ID and get a site started. And find out if someone there is willing to Admin group's CU blog, for export work. (request sponsored NetID)

Confirmed by Oliver: CIT can't add value, even if paid.

Contact from Northwestern

From: Matthew C Ivaliotes [lotus]
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 10:08 PM
To: Oliver B. Habicht <oh10>; Jackie Milhans <milhans>
Cc: Ryan Patrick Bisbey <rpb223>
Subject: Re: Data storage and filesharing - Dichtel group


I’m with Weinberg IT, and we’re also available to help. We also understand there is more website-related work as part of the group’s move. Don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything my team can do.



Matthew Ivaliotes
Manager, Systems Solutions
Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Northwestern University
(847) 467-1544


Export group site from CU Blogs using WordPress tools made available within our CampusPress instance.

Import into NUBlogs (sp?) using WordPress tools made available within their CampusPress instance.

Cornell-based CATON site (CU Blogs)

See also

Next step

To still get done


Equipment disposal or reuse in Chemistry

Any grads staying?

Ryan reviewed list with Oliver, 3/4/16: