Coldfusion10 in the Cornell Stack is using Java 1.7.  If you have an application that uses SFTP via the CFFTP tag, you could see messages in your Coldfusion logs the appear the connection <Opens> but then just hangs there.  What's actually happening is Java 1.7 with jsch (via apache ant) is looking for user login and password input (separate from the username and login you may be providing with your CFFTP tags).

More info here about Java 1.7:

Solution we've found that works - add the following two lines to your code right above the CFFTP section:

<cfset _jsch = CreateObject('java','com.jcraft.jsch.JSch')>
<cfset _jsch.setConfig("PreferredAuthentications", "publickey,keyboard-interactive,password")>


Here's the source for the above code: