A&S IT provisions and supports CCB's ChemGrades FMPro DB. They also created and support ChemGrades web site showing read-only sub-data from DB, restricted by NetIDs.


See also



Support and maintenance expectations

Roles and responsibilities: Chemistry Instruction, ChemIT, and A&S IT

All requests for service from Instructional staff are to go to Chemistry IT <ChemIT> if they have been vetted with Pat Hine.

Instruction staff who make structural changes to any of their DBs must inform A&S staff (Dani or Tu) as an FYI. Making changes may break things or processes.

A&S IT's services and role

For students

If students have questions or concerns about the Grades web site, they are to contact Chemistry Instructional staff. Here is the relevant service FAQ page:

N.B. The actual Grades web site page <https://chemlabs.arts.cornell.edu/grades/> contains a link at its "FAQ" tab pointing directly to the above FAQ page.

This is similar to what is done for the Waiting List web application, FWIW:

Procedures and processes

Semester-start procedures and processes.

In the fall, Pat Hine's first pull is no sooner than... (example: 8/29/13 (Thur)). Later for lecture-only courses.

Semester-end procedures and processes.

DB revert procedure. Initiating request and subsequent restoration from back-up.

Pat Hine has access to last 7 calendar days of backups, 2 times per day. So, 14 backup files per course at steady-state, whether changes were made or not.

Pat Hine can do any restore herself using FMPro, ensuring "low friction" access to the backup files (nobody to contact, not hoops to jump through).

Outstanding actions to consider

Make appropriate changes to source FMPro data

Enable Pat's view of DB data from home.

The need for this has been reduced since many folks can self-serve, and PatH herself has view-only web access.

As an alternative, if she knows she'll need it ahead of time, PatH can take a backup copy of any course on a FMPro computer for stand-alone access. This works as long as PatH doesn't make changes on the stand-alone DB that she later expects to see on the production, server-based DB, of course!

Rejected idea, for future reference: With FMPro installed on dept. laptop, access AS's FMPro server off-campus and do the work that way.

Ensure security of FERPA data in Grades DB.

See Michael Hint's emails with Tu and Frank for more on this. Some thoughts, initially:

See also

Keywords, for searching results