CUL Repository Executive Group
The Cornell University Library manages an increasingly distributed and complex suite of services and platforms and therefore needs to consider a range of issues including architecture, policy, metadata/interoperability, service provision, communication, usability, resource requirements, and innovation. The RepoExec will explore these issues with the goal of crafting recommendations to create a more cohesive repository policy for CUL, with an eye towards the broadening venues for scholarly communication and the role of open access in changing the publishing landscape.
CUL supports several digital repositories to archive and/or provide access to a wide range of digital information. Examples include eCommons, DigitalCommons@ILR, DigitalCommons@Law, CULAR, Luna Insight, Kaltura, Greenstone, Shared Shelf, as well as specific digital collections built using DLXS (Digital Library eXtension Service). These systems include many digital genres such as visual images, digital images, research data files, AV, electronic records, code, etc.  We will need to factor in outsourced services such as HathiTrust, ArchiveIT, and DPN (Digital Preservation Network) as they relate to CUL's overall repository policy. The group will operate as a cross-functional forum for exchanging ideas, creating policies, drafting proposals, making recommendations, and acting as advocates for CUL's repositories and their users.
The goals of this group will be:

LibExec Liaisons: Oya Rieger & Dean Krafft

Consultants: Jaron Porciello, Business Planning Consultant & others TBD (e.g., CIT, CISER)