INC INC000001138139

Ticket number

INC INC000001138139

Please use this number in the subject of any email related to this project so we can ensure better communications. Thank you!

Next steps

7/6/15, Oliver's notes of ChemIT meeting

DRAFT of agreement for Peter and Jack to confirm and approve:

ChemIT is to set up, secure, network, and support a computer for Petr with the following capabilities:

To ensure stability and protect other devices on the network, the computer will have the following characteristic:

Any needs not met with the above characteristics will be discussed with ChemIT to ensure the computer remains secure, connected to its network, and supportable by ChemIT.

Per meeting 6/18/15, with Jack, Petr, Michael, and Oliver:

1) Michael Hint: Provide Petr an updated specifications, based on Petr's original specs.

2) Oliver: Write up this document and share with Petr and Jack.

3) Petr: Send ChemIT a list of software to install.

4) Jack: To confirm finance issues with Kevin.

Reminders, from the meeting:

Decisions related to Petr's new workstation

Purchase a single workstation for Petr's research, from which he can also check his email and write papers.


Requirements, limitations, and decisionsReason, context, consequenceNotes
Windows 7, 64-bit  

No virtual machines on system.

No dual-booting of the system.

This computer will have only one Network Interface Card (NIC).


Can RDP to this computer from Petr's private network

  • Note: Cannot RDP from this computer to Petr's private network.

Petr will have special Administrator access to this workstation in order to install software.

  • This account will not permit creating accounts.

This computer will use Cornell's Active Directory.

Petr agrees not to:

  • Create file shares on this computer.
Computer will be placed in B31.  
EZ-Backup the computer, unless file share will meet Petr's needs.