For core-staff, replacement budget drafted. Perhaps consider also doing so for other staff and or support areas, if not all.


See also

May 18, 2016

Met with Craig and we came up with at replacement plan for ~11 core staff computers. Two cycles expected: 5 this summer and 6 in a year or two.

As of May 2015

Vince's computer

Mac Pro "cheese grater". Budge about $1,500 to replace.

Rosemary's computer.

Computer is still running a non-PhysIT image. Thus, need to upgrade software in order to enable effective support and ensure contemporary software. (Ex. MS Office 2010 => MS Office 2013.)

Computer is 2.5 years old (9/28/2011) so retain no matter what choice is made.

Consider keeping hardware, and use CIT's VDI service which would allow one to retain hardware even longer:

Timing: Per John, consider avoiding making changes this summer due to other factors. Michael to touch base with Rosemary to seek out her preferences.