Please follow the following guidelines when creating, uploading, and embedding a video tutorial:

How to Record Videos using Camtasia

  1. Open the Camtasia Application on your computer, expect to see the following toolbar:
  2. Put on your audio headset and talk normally, noting the audio level, like so
  3. Adjust the slider so that it rests in the green to yellow range, about 2/3 across the length
  4. For your local computer, adjust your screen resolution to 1280 x 720
  5. Click on full screen on the Camtasia toolbar 
  6. Hit Record, perform your tutorial
  7. At the end of your tutorial, leave 10 seconds of silence
  8. Press F10 to end your tutorial

How to Edit Videos using Camtasia


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Text Instructions

  1. Open Camtasia Studio
  2. Import your media file into the clip bin
  3. Right click on the clip, add to timeline or drag clip onto timeline

  4. In the video previewer, set the size to 1280x720

  5. To get rid of the background noise, click on the audio tab and enable Noise Removal 

  6. To highlight your cursor, go to the more tab, cursor effects. Under the dropdown menu for highlight, select highlight 

  7. To snip the silence at the end, toggle the edge of the clip and slide it left and right 

  8. To focus the screen on a certain area of the video clip:
    1. Click on the Zoom-n-Pan tab
    2. Go to the time you want to zoom, resize the box to zoom

    3. Scroll down and Apply SmartFocus to timeline
    4. Toggle the SmartFocus button on the timeline to adjust fade in and fade out timing
  9. To append a video to the end of your first video, merely import the media clip and drag it to the right of the first clip. Make all necessary adjustments with the above steps

Uploading to Youtube for Embedding

  1. Save your video, Produce & Share, Produce to YouTube
  2. Upload to the account:
  3. Modify the title, description, tags, and change the category to education