The new Matrix is faster, but it is different. Learn about the differences here to reduce your aggravation.

TIP: This is an easy-to-remember web address to this page:

(1) Information related to Phase 2 Matrix testing (Full Scheraga group)

End-user reporting ticket number is INC000001223799.

  • In any communication to ChemIT during testing, include this number in the subject line. Thank you.
  • ChemIT will send email to your Cornell <> email address.
    • Ensure you are getting that email where you normally read your email.
    • Please email to ChemIT using your Cornell address so we know who you are.

How is the new 2014 Matrix different than the old Matrix?

Work to be done during new Matrix testing: Who is responsible for what?

Each researcher must confirm they can access their test account on the new Matrix.

If you have trouble connecting to the new Matrix, notify ChemIT ASAP. Thank you.

Each researcher must confirm that the applications they depend on work for them on the new Matrix.

If and when you can confirm that all works as expected, please notify ChemIT.

=> Notify ChemIT and include the INC000001223799 ticket number in the email. Thank you!

If you have a problem with an application or MPI issues, please contact the appropriate Group contact.

=> Try working it out by yourself.

=> If you can't fix it yourself, please contact the appropriate group member; see below for who to contact.

Deadlines for researchers' testing

DATE 1: Monday, 10/19/14: By this date, all researchers are expected to at least simply login (verifying that their account itself works).

DATE 2: Thursday, 10/22/14: By this date, all researchers will need to test and either approve, or report problems with, the software they depend on.

DATE 3: Monday, 10/27/14: By this date we expect to have all testing completed, as long as everything is indeed working as expected.

Testing schedule activities by ChemIT staff

What's been done to date:

Upcoming scheduled events (dove-tailing with above deadlines for researchers)

Notes to get you started and keep you going

During testing, the new and an old cluster are both available to you at the same time.

QuickStart info

Detailed info, particularly if QuickStart above is insufficient

Elaborate on "We will provide a second email with instructions for getting to the new cluster and setting up your home directory, and how storage is set up."

Particulars you need to know about new Matrix cluster, for testing:

Your home directories, "/users/netID", are basically EMPTY of your files to start.

A recent snapshot copy of your data from old Matrix has been put on the storage system in  "/storage/netID".

You thus need to move or copy files needed to run jobs from storage to your new home "/users/netID" to test jobs.

ChemIT will maintain a chart to help the group track what does and does not work regarding MPI.

Other details

Important notes in WHAT DATA WILL BE ERASED AFTER TESTING. And what data is saved after testing.

ChemIT will save all end-user's home directories as they build them up on the new Matrix.

ChemIT will erase all end-user's storage directories on the new Matrix, at end of testing.

ChemIT will create a snap-shot copy of each end-user's current home directory (from the production Matrix) and place it into the end-user's storage directory (on the new Matrix).

(2) Information relevant for testing and after testing

Overall information

Get access to your account

Learn to effectively use your home directory, along with /storage, /notbackedup, and /software.

How to run jobs requiring lots of space in ones home directory

Matrix user quotas

New user's default quotas

The group has instructed ChemIT to make the following defaults on a new user's account:

A new user can request a larger quota through their Group Cluster Representative (Gia, as of 10/2014.)