Pre-Analysis & Start-Up

In the Pre-Analysis & Start-Up step, we'll review the following:


A particle laden flow is a multiphase flow where one phase is the fluid and the other is dispersed particles. Governing equations for both phases are implemented in Fluent. To run a meaningful simulation, a review of the theory is necessary.

Fluid Phase:

In the simulations considered for this tutorial, the fluid flow is a 2D perturbed periodic double shear layer as described in the first section. The geometry is Lx = 59.15m, Ly = 59.15m, and the mesh size is chosen as {latex}{\large$\Delta x = L_x / n_x$}{latex} in order to resolve the smallest vorticies. As a rule of thumb. One typically needs about 20 grid points across the shear layers, where the vorticies are going to develop. The boundary conditions are periodic in the x and y  directions. The fluid phase satisfies the Navier-Stokes Equations:
-Momentum Equations
\rho_f (\frac{d \mathbf{u}_f}{dt}+\mathbf{u}_f \cdot \nabla \mathbf{u}_f)=- \nabla p + \mu \nabla ^2 \mathbf{u}_f + \mathbf{f} 
-Continuity Equation
\frac{\partial \rho_f}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (\rho \mathbf{u}_f)=0

where {latex}{\large$\mathbf{u}$}{latex} is the fluid velocity, {latex}{\large$p$}{latex} the pressure, {latex}{\large$\rho_f$}{latex} the fluid density and {latex}{\large$\mathbf{f}$}{latex} is a momentum exchange term due to the presence of particles. When the particle volume fraction {latex}{\large$\phi$}{latex} and the particle mass loading {latex}{\large$M=\phi \rho_p/\rho_f$}{latex} are very small, it is legitimate to neglect the effects of the particles on the fluid: {latex}{\large$\mathbf{f}$}{latex} can be set to zero. This type of coupling is called one-way. In these simulations the fluid phase is air, while the dispersed phase is constituted of about 400 glass beads of diameter a few dozens of micron. This satisfies both conditions {latex}{\large$\phi \ll 1$}{latex} and {latex}{\large$M \ll 1$}{latex}

One way-coupling is legitimate here. See ANSYS documentation (16.2) for further details about the momentum exchange term.

Particle Phase:

The suspended particles are considered as rigid spheres of same diameter d, and density {latex}{\large$\rho_p$}{latex}. Newton's second law written for the particle i stipulates:
{latex}{\large $m_p \frac{d \mathbf{u}_p^i}{dt}=\mathbf{f}_{ex}^i$}{latex}
where {latex}{\large$\mathbf{u}_p^i$}{latex} is the velocity of particle i, {latex}{\large $\mathbf{f}_{ex}^i$}{latex} the forces exerted on it, and {latex}{\large $m_p$}{latex} its mass.
In order to know accurately the hydrodynamic forces exerted on a particle one needs to resolve the flow to a scale significantly smaller than the particle diameter. This is computationally prohibitive. Instead, the hydrodynamic forces can be approximated roughly to be proportional to the drift velocity:
{latex}{\large $\frac{d \mathbf{u}_p^i}{dt}=\frac{\mathbf{u}_f-\mathbf{u}_p^i}{\tau_p}$}{latex}
where {latex}{\large $\tau_p$}{latex} is known as the particle response time. This equation needs to be solved for all particles present in the domain. This is done in Fluent via the module: Discrete Phase Model(DPM).


Choosing the Cases:

The particle response time measures the speed at which the particle velocity adapts to the local flow speed. Non-inertial particles, or tracers, have a zero particle response time: they follow the fluid streamlines. Inertial particles with {latex}{\large$\tau_p \neq 0$}{latex} might adapt quickly or slowly to the fluid speed variations depending on the relative variation of the flow and the particle response time.

This rate of adaptation is measured by a non-dimensional number called Stokes number representing the ratio of the particle response time to the flow characteristic time scale.
{latex}{\large$St = \frac{\tau_p}{\tau_f}$}{latex}
In these simulations, the characteristic flow time is the inverse of the growth rate of the vortices in the shear layers. This is also predicted by the Orr-Sommerfeld equation. For the particular geometry and configuration we used in this tutorial, the growth rate is {latex}{\large$\gamma = 0.1751 s^{-1} = \frac{1}{\tau_f}$}{latex}. When St = 0 the particles are tracers. They follow the streamlines and, in particular, they will not be able to leave a vortex once caught inside.

When {latex}{\large$St \gg 1$}{latex}, particles have a ballistic motion and are not affected by the local flow conditions. They are able to shoot through the vorticies without a strong trajectory deviation. Intermediate cases {latex}{\large$St \approx 1$}{latex} have a maximum coupling between the two phases: particles are attracted to the vorticies, but once they reach the highly swirling vortex cores they are ejected due to their non zero inertia.

In this tutorial, we will consider a nearly tracer case St = 0.2, an intermediate case St = 1 and a nearly ballistic case St = 5. 

Go to Step 2: Geometry

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