David Gold's Individual Contributions Page

Fall 2014: Distribution Contamination Team

Part of a team to investigate the possibility of contamination through the distribution system after water leaves the treatment plant. We determined the potential mechanisms that may cause this contamination and developed solutions for their prevention.


Spring 2015: Design Team-Sedimentation Tank Updates

Though many updates have been made to the sedimentation tank file in the last few years, each update has only focused on one specific section of the design script. This is understandable due to the complex and interrelated nature of the script, however it makes following the design logic difficult for anyone who is unfamiliar to the code. My main goal for the semester is to clean up the sedimentation tank design script to make the script clear, logical and understandable, even to those with no prior design team experience. In addition recent updates to the sedimentation tank that have been suggested by field engineers in Honduras or have been discovered by recent research will be incorporated into the design tool.

These updates include: