List of software on the Macs and PCs in CCB's 4 instructional rooms: 200 (the big auditorium), 135, 219, and 335. (No computers in 119).

See also

Baker classrooms

PC and Mac computers in Baker 200, along with 135, 219, and 335 classrooms



Software on computers:

PCs in 135, 219, 335: ChemDraw, Panopto, iClicker - remove Windows Essentials, Identity Finder, everything in Office 2016 except for Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Flash only in Edge, Cornell background, power off display 1hr, no java

Macs in 135, 219, 335: ChemDraw, Panopto, iClicker, Keynote, computers currently on OSX 10.10, wifi disabled, Office 2011 with only Word, Excel, Powerpoint - NO outlook, document connection

PC in 200: Software/setup on other rooms plus

Mac in 200: Software/setup on other rooms plus