{include: MATLAB Google Analytics}
{include: Spring-Mass System - Panel}

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*If you have never used MATLAB before, we recommend watching some of* *[these videos from The MathWorks |http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/videos.html]**, in particular the* *[Getting Started video. |http://www.mathworks.com/videos/getting-started-with-matlab-68985.html]**. You can go through the videos either before or after completing this tutorial.*

h1. Spring-Mass Harmonic Oscillator in MATLAB

Created using MATLAB R2013a

h2. Problem Specification

Consider a spring-mass system shown in the figure below.

\\  [!spring_mass.png|width=350!|^spring_mass.png]\\

Applying _F = ma_ in the x-direction, we get the following differential equation for the location x(t) of the center of the mass:
m \ddot{x} + k x =0
The initial conditions at _t=0_ are
v(0)=\dot{x} ̇(0)=0
The first condition above specifies the initial location _x(0)_ and the second condition, the initial velocity _v(0)_.

We'll solve this differential equation numerically, i.e. integrate it in time starting from the initial conditions at t=0, using MATLAB. We'll use Euler's method to perform the numerical integration. Some other topics covered in this tutorial are:
* Making a plot of mass position vs. time and comparing it to the analytical solution
* Separating out the Euler's method in a MATLAB "function"
* Collecting multiple parameters in one box using "structures"

In the process, you'll be exposed to the following handy MATLAB utilities:
* Debugger to understand and step through code
* Code analyzer to check code
* Profiler to time code

[*Go to Step 1: Euler Integration*|SIMULATION:Spring-Mass System - Euler Integration]

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