
h2. Description

Returns the most recent sighting date and specific location for each species of bird reported within the number of days specified by the "back" parameter and reported at birding hotspots. 

 This is part of the [eBird version 1.1 API|eBird API 1.1].

h2. URL

*Base URL*





Fully specified:


h2. Parameter Descriptions

|| Parameter Name || Required || Default \\ || Value Options \\ || Example Value \\ || Description ||
| back \\ | | 14 \\ | 1 - 30 integer | 7 | the number of days back to look for observations \\ |
| maxResults | | \\ | 1 - 10000 integer \\ | 10 \\ | the maximum number of result rows to return in this request; to get all results do not include this parameter \\ |
| detail \\ | | simple \\ | simple, full \\ | simple \\ | toggle to restrict results to either all or a subset of sighting fields.  see [result field descriptions|eBird API 1.1-FullResultsDescription]  \\ |
| locale \\ | | en_US | Java standard locale codes | fr_CA \\ | Language/locale of response (when translations are available). See [http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Locale.html]. \\ |
| fmt \\ | | xml \\ | json, xml \\ | json \\ | format of the response \\ |
| r | yes | | any hotspot locID | L99381 \\ | Code(s) for region of interest; here, regions are the locIDs of hotspots.  LocIDs that are not valid or are not hotspots are ignored. Maximum of 10 locIDs. |
| includeProvisional \\ | | false \\ | true,false \\ | false \\ | set to true if you'd like flagged records that have not yet been reviewed to be included in the results \\ |
{include:eBird API 1.1-FullResultsDescription}
