Using the MySQL server installed on the Cornell Stack

The Cornell Stack now offers customers access to their own installation of MySQL. This differs from previous LAMP offerings at Cornell, where the MySQL server was on a shared server, with limited access for customers.

Setting up a database on the Cornell Stack

NOTE: If you currently use the shared server from CIT (known as or, customers are requested to move your database info from the shared server to your own MySQL instance (either on a Cornell Stack VM or a customer-provided MySQL server).

Using Cornell Stack for MySQL server only (no web server/instance installed).

Some customers may only want to use the Cornell Stack for hosting a MySQL server with no Apache/web server initiated. This is possible, but there are caveats to this:

Database backups

The MySQL database server performs a nightly mysqldump for backup purposes. These dump files are then backed up to tape by the TSM Backup that runs on each VM. If you find you need to go back to a previous MySQL backup dump file, please contact and provide the following info:

Root access to MySQL

Some customers may find they need to have root privileges to the MySQL server. Please submit this request to and someone will get back to you for more information.