Do you know of a library staff member or small group that has contributed to improving library services or operations through innovative efforts over the last year?  We are happy to announce a new Outstanding Performance Award---this time targeting innovation throughout the CUL system in all functional areas and departments. Innovations can be in the form of service enhancements, problem solving, or a whole new way of looking at things.

The selection of the winner(s) is based on exceptional innovation in technology, services, workflows, or processes that resulted in enhanced services or internal optimization. While the innovation can include IT development, having an IT component is not a requirement for consideration. Although the innovation need not be all encompassing, special consideration is given to innovations that benefit the whole library system and beyond.  Qualities to consider when writing the nomination include: impact of the innovation and the nominee's leadership in conceiving and implementing it.

To be eligible, the employee must be a regular full-time or part-time member of the library staff. Both individuals and groups are eligible.

In addition to a certificate suitable for framing, the award includes a cash prize of $500.  We hope that you will consider submitting a nomination to recognize an individual or a group that has come up with an innovation that makes a difference in the way we go about our work.

Nominations are currently being accepted. The deadline is Friday, May 9, 2014.