Salmonella Cotham

Background: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Cotham (antigenic formula 28:i:1,5) is a serovar of the O:28 (M) serogroup. S. Cotham is a very rare serovar; for example, this serovar was found to represent a very scarce percentage (0.01%) of all salmonellosis cases in the US since the 1960s. A recent outbreak in the US was associated with S. Cotham, the outbreak investigation started in January 2014. To date (April, 2014), 132 cases have been reported and reptiles were found to be the source of this outbreak. In addition to this outbreak, S. Cotham was also reported in reptiles in Taiwan.

Animal reservoir: S. Cotham appears to be adapted to reptiles.

Geographical distribution: This serovar is very rare, only two reports have been conducted, one in the US of an outbreak linked to reptiles and one report in Taiwan.

Outbreaks: Currently only one outbreak had been reported, which started in February 2012. At April 2014 a total of 132 cases have been reported. In the outbreak 31 states in the US have been involved.



Associated source

Number of cases



Pet Bearded Dragons



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