Find it support issues

PROBLEM: No hits, or a failed search (error message) for a database. This may occur for a number of reasons:

SOLUTION: Check the native interface in question. If the same error message is received there, the issue lies with the native interface itself. If the native interface works properly, but the error continues in WebFeat, alert WebFeat support with the database name and the error message received. Include any action that you have done, such as attempting to replicate the issue in the native interface.

Webfeat contact information

Our two main webfeat contacts are Kelli Smith and Rick Barr.

Contacting webfeat by email:

Please e-mail Kelly and copy Rick on all technical support issues.

Kelli Smith:
Rick Barr:

Contacting webfeat by telephone:

Feel free to contact webfeat by telephone for emergencies. Here is a list of items that webfeat considers to be emergencies:

1. WF is completely down
2. Performance is really slow, issues with timing out, etc.
3. User Authentication broken
4. All databases for one vendor broken
5. Library catalog broken - we prioritize catalogs over all other databases

Emergenices aren't necessarily limited to the above list, and determining what constitutes an emergency is basically up to us. Do not hesitate to contact webfeat by telephone if you think the issue requires a quick resolution.