5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity: The barrage of information coming at us from multiple sources (e.g., texts, email, tweets, blogs, and alerts), coupled with the demands of our careers, are overwhelming and distracting. 5 Choices inspires participants to apply a process that will dramatically increase their ability to achieve life's most important outcomes.  This course also features a hands-on technology teach, showing participants how to use the FranklinCovey productivity concepts within MS Outlook.   

This two day course will be offered three times in 2014 on April 28-29; August 4-5; and, October 27-28.  The cost for this course is $425. 
Please see that attached brochure for additional information.   Click here for more detailed information.  

To register, follow these steps:

1.             Goto: https://www.hr.cornell.edu/life/ods/odfs.cfm (you may need to login with your NetId and password)
2.             Choose: "Registering Yourself for effectiveness development program" radio button
3.             Fill out the form
4.             Select the radio button "FranklinCovey's 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity"  Be sure to choose the correct date for the class you want to attend!
5.             Type in your account number (required)
6.             Read and check the cancellation policy checkbox
7.             Click "Submit Form"