Stock Tank Mixing

The Spring 2014 Stock Tank Mixing team is beginning re-design and testing of a stock tank solution mixer.

The primary goal of the Fall 2013 team was to design a centrifugal pump to mix stock solutions, with test designs utilizing a rotating arm that employed the pressure gradient due to rotation to bring dense solution located at the bottom of the tank to the top. End-of-semester tests showed high pump inefficiency due to large amounts of wasted input power due to drag on the rotating arm. The test results have prompted entire mixing redesign by the Spring 2014 team; it is likely the team will abandon the rotational pumping idea entirely in exchange for a rising/falling bucket concept.

Team Members

Apoorv Gupta
Alexandra Cheng


h6. Documents

| | Challenges | Tasks | Symposium | Final Presentation | Final Report |
| Spring '14 | | | | | |
| Fall '13 | [!Research^pdf_icon.jpg|height=25!|^Stock Tank_Fall2013Challenges.pdf] | [!Research^pdf_icon.jpg|height=25!|^20130910 Task List.pdf] | [!Research^ppt_icon.jpg|height=25!|^Fall 2013 Symposium 2.pptx] | [!Research^ppt_icon.jpg|height=25!|^Fall 2013 Final Presentation.pptx] | [!Research^pdf_icon.jpg|height=25!|^20131213_Research_Report.pdf] |
| Spring '12 | | [!Research^pdf_icon.jpg|height=25!|^StockTankMixing_DetailedTaskList_Spring2012.pdf] | [!Research^ppt_icon.jpg|height=25!|^StockTankMixing_TeachIn_Spring2012.pptx] | [!Research^ppt_icon.jpg|height=25!|^StockTankMixing_FinalPresentation_Spring2012.pptx] | [!Research^pdf_icon.jpg|height=25!|^Stock_Tank_Mixing_Final_Report_Spring_2012.pdf] |
| Summer '11 | [!Research^ppt_icon.jpg|height=25!|^STM.pdf] | | [!Research^ppt_icon.jpg|height=25!|^StockTankMixing_Teachin.pptx] | [!Research^ppt_icon.jpg|height=25!|^StockTankMixing-2011summerfinal.pptx] | [!Research^pdf_icon.jpg|height=25!|^Stocktankmixingfinalreportsummer2011.pdf] |
| Spring '11 | [!Research^word_icon.jpeg|height=25!|^StockTankMixingChallenges.doc] | | [!Research^ppt_icon.jpg|height=25!|^StockTankMixingTeachin.pptx] | [!Research^ppt_icon.jpg|height=25!|^StockTankMixingPresentation.pptx] | [!Research^pdf_icon.jpg|height=25!|^StockTankMixingFinalReportSpring2011.pdf] |
Past Research
\[[^20131213_Research_Report.pdf]Fall13 Stock Tank Task List.pdf\|^20130910 Task List.pdf\]MathCAD Files