Demo Plant

Project Objectives

The goal of the Demo Plant team is to create a demonstration-scale version of the technologies used in full-scale AguaClara plants in several rural communities in Honduras. The Demo Plant is an important tool used to promote AguaClara in the Cornell community, at national conferences, and for community workshops in Honduras. The Demo Plant effectively shows how water flows through the plant and includes a chemical dose controller, flocculator, sedimentation tank, and stacked rapid sand filter. Furthermore, the Demo Plant fits easily into a standard piece of luggage.

Current Members

Jen Weidman
Eric Stucker






Final Presentation

User Manual

Final Report

Spring '14







Spring 2013



Fall 2012




Summer 2012


Spring 2012


Fall 2011





Cost Sheet & Plant Labels:

Demo Plant Experimental Flow Rates & Plant Components Inventory in Attachments: Demo Plant Excel File

See also:

Summer 2008 Demo Plant Research
Demo Plant Research
Demo Plant Design & Construction