{include: Crank - Panel}
{include: ANSYS Google Analytics}

h1. Numerical Results

h3. Deformed Shape

The following video shows how to plot the deformed shape and use it to check if the displacement constraints have been applied correctly. 

h3. {latex} {\bf $\sigma_x$}{latex} Contours

We next take a look at {latex} $\sigma_x${latex} variation in the model.

You can save an image of the contours to a file using the instructions below.

Below, we take a closer look at the {latex} $\sigma_x${latex} variation on the front face and compare it to what we expect from beam bending theory.

We interrogate {latex} $\sigma_x${latex} variation in the interior of the model using "section planes".

h3. {latex} ${\bf \sigma_x}${latex} along a Line using "Path" Operations

First, we create two coordinate systems which we'll use to define the start and end points of the line.

Second, we create the desired line on the front face.

Last, we extract {latex} $\sigma_x${latex} along the line and export the results to an Excel file.

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