ANSYS Installation Guide for Mac OSX

As with many engineering softwares, ANSYS is not available for the Mac OSX platform. However, it is still possible to install ANSYS and your other engineering softwares on an Apple computer,  by first installing Windows on your Mac. Please follow this guide to learn how to install Windows and ANSYS on your Mac. 

1.  Buy and install Parallels Desktop 9 (~$80)    

*Make sure to check the system requirements. We highly recommend that your computer has at least 4GB of RAM. 

*While your Apple computer already has a software called BootCamp to install Windows on your Mac, it requires the user to reboot each time he or she wants to switch operating systems. The user also has to play with disk partitioning which make its harder to configure. We highly recommend using Parallels Desktop for its ease of use and flexibility. This software allows the user to run Mac OSX and Windows side by side and it does not require hard drive partitioning. Windows simply acts as an application that you can run or close as you wish. All the Windows files are contained in one master file (a .pvm file) that you can move wherever you want, even on an external hard rive. 

2. Get yourself a copy of Windows 7 or Windows 8 (installation CD or ISO file)

       *Windows 8 is available on the Microsoft Store and is heavily discounted for students and teachers at $70. The complete PRO version is available as an ISO file to download. Choose the 64-bit version.

3. Run Parallels Desktop 9 and follow the on-screen installation instructions of Windows. 

      *If you downloaded windows as an ISO file, you will simply be prompted to browse to the ISO file to proceed with the installation process. If you have the Windows installation CD, then simply insert-it in the drive when          prompted.
