Link to 2013 arXiv Road Map


Items are listed in approximate priority order.

Change email handling to support arXiv admin and moderation ticketing system - The "Request Tracker" software has been selected and we will rework email filtering software to use this instead of the current email-based arXiv admin workflows. Status as of 8/13: Partially complete. Have moved help mailbox, not yet moderation mailbox. After discussion with SAB and moderators it is clear that discussion with moderators should not move to Request Tracker at this stage 

Add automatic classification checks to submission system - We will use classifier software developed by Paul Ginsparg to classify incoming submissions according to our category scheme. Where these automatic classifications differ significantly from the user-selected classifications we will add a warning to the moderator alerts. Status as of 8/13: In discussion with Paul Ginsparg to get software 

Improve tools and interfaces to support moderators - We will work with the SAB and moderators to define and develop better tools that allow moderators to interact more directly and efficiently with the arXiv system and administrators. The overarching aim is to make best use of available moderator effort by making the work of moderators as quick and convenient as possible, consistent with achieving the quality goals and following policies set out by the SAB. Status as of 8/13: Good discussion with SAB and moderators, currently refining list of tasks generated

Implement new category aliases for cs/math/stat and add a new category for q-fin - In the past the creation of category aliases (e.g. math.IT/cs.IT) and associated recategorization of articles has required a mix of manual DB edits and one-off scripting. We will develop tools to safely do bulk edits of this sort. Testing is also required to ensure that having articles where the primary classification does not match the old-style id as a result of these new aliases is handled correctly everywhere. Status as of 8/13: Not done

Improve author identifier support and data export - Add basic support for ORCID and other author identifiers associated with arXiv accounts. Add periodic data dumps for all public authorship data. Status as of 8/13: Not done

Improve dataset support - Review use of and experience with the Data Conservancy pilot and then either discontinue or improve interaction. Decide on a medium-term strategy for data and consider assigning DataCite DOIs for ancillary files. Status as of 8/13: The Data Conservancy pilot was discontinued ( experience reviewed. We will continue to support modest sized datasets and other materials using the existing ancillary files mechanism (, and will ingest data from the pilot as ancillary files to support it long-term. We have subscribed to the EZID service and will assign DataCite DOIs to ancillary files.

Security and login, email privacy - There are significant deficiencies which should be addressed. Issues include: all password entry and authenticated interactions should occur via https; domain based cookies should not be sent to mirror sites; and user email addresses should be more carefully protected. Status as of 8/13: Not done

Alerting system - The email alerting system remains popular but the mechanisms for subscription management are outdated. Users should be able to see and control their subscriptions from their user account page. New software will be developed to replace the extremely old and hard to maintain software implementing the current email subscription system. Status as of 8/13: Not done

User Support and Moderation

Define new tools and interfaces for moderators - Work with existing moderators to gather and refine requirements for new tools and interfaces to support their work. Existing processes are in need of enhancement or replacement as we upgrade moderation processes and work to improve moderator efficiency and convenience. Status as of 8/13: In progress. New email list created for moderator input on moderation tools. A prioritized list of actions to be considered at SAB Sept. meeting.

Move arXiv communications administration to an issue tracking system - We have begun the process of shifting all communications with users and moderators to a web-based issue tracking system (Request Tracker). Service desk functions managed by arXiv administrators include answering user questions, troubleshooting technical problems, soliciting and following up on moderator input, responding to and resolving moderation appeals, etc. These functions are currently carried out using multiple email mailboxes. A modern issue tracking system will provide us not only with better tracking, but built in reporting and issue classification tools for better management of this labor intensive aspect of arXiv administration. Status as of 8/13: Partially complete. See item above, under "Technical".

Governance & Organizational Model

Recruit an Interim arXiv Scientific Director -We created a new position to provide intellectual leadership for arXiv's operation.  First we would like to test this position and refine the job description. In support of this goal, we'll recruit a temporary Scientific Director at 0.20 FTE capacity to explore how such a position can contribute to arXiv in formulating overall scientific direction of the service and its policies.

Test and refine  the operation of the new governance model -The arXiv principles aims to clarify the authority, responsibilities, and constraints of CUL, MAB, and SAB. Ironing out problems and developing a working system will require some time to test and observe the inner operation of the governance model.  Both boards need to understand the vision, priorities, and challenges to be able to contribute to the arXiv's governance. We will continue our engagements with both of the boards and experiment with different communication strategies.

Further refine the benefits of being a member for participating institutions - During the governance planning meetings, several ideas emerged as potential free services for members; however, implementing these features may require significant staff time. Therefore these services need to be considered in the context of arXiv's current maintenance and development priorities. We will engage the MAB to discuss possible ideas and assess their potential value and requirements from the arXiv team.

Continue the membership drive - We are very encouraged with the five-year pledges received so far. We want to increase the number of arXiv member institutions to create a large and international network of supporters. We recently formed two SAB subcommittees. The first one aims to assess and revise our tier model to consider other classes of member categories such as scientific societies (to be implemented during the next 5-year plan). The second group will focus on fund raising policies & strategies such as the potential addition of a 'Give' button to arXiv homepage to encourage donations.

New Partnerships & Communication

Continue the dialogue with publishers/societies - Continue information exchange with publishers/societies represented in arXiv, especially in exploring the evolving public policies and open access mandates. One of the ideas is implementing a pilot with the IOP for faciliating deposit of author version of articles to arXiv after they are published.

Define and communicate measures of success - To address this dynamic process, one goal over the next several months is to create an assessment model to help CUL continue to fine-tune the sustainability model. Working with SAB and MAB, we will develop an assessment framework with three key components. Desired outcomes and success measures to measure progress (for instance, dynamics of the governance model, level of financial support, enhancements to arXiv, improvements to moderation system, etc.); Assessment model to gauge and report success based on the identified outcome measures.