As of 5/18/16, completed about one year ago, for all practical purposes.

See also

The below is available mostly for historical purposes

Last know question

Q: What is the measure of success/ completion? Is it reduced need for EZ-Backups?


The Physics department gets free file storage on A&S's file server, which PhysIT has set up. How can this file share server represent utility to Physics Admin staff?


See also

Next steps

May 20, 2015: Oliver met with John and decided on two action steps:

John shared that his staff seem to be using it when they are working on projects together. And when they need to share information for other reasons.. Seems to be in-mind, and growing to be part of the standard operating practice for many staff.

January 2015

Next step, as of Wed, 1/21/14:

Make additional changes to the folder names, structure, and permissions.

Actions taken so far

Deb scheduled a Physics staff mtg week of 1/12/2015 to demo share and have a Q&A. PhysIT's Oliver demo'd, consulted, and answered questions.

Oliver demo to John and Deb on 12/15/14 (Monday), a "next step" from Friday, 11/14/14.

11/15/14: Roger has worked with Greg at A&S to set up the space, in anticipation that this service will prove of value to Physics. This could have easily been reversed if there had been a "no go" decision, of course.

Phase one: Shared folders

Content moved to documentation page:

Phase two: Individual's folders

Content moved to documentation page: