Background: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Hindmarsh (antigenic formula: 8,20:r:1,5) is a serovar of the O:8 (C2-C3) serogroup. Serovar Hindmarsh appears to be adapted to sheep; clicnial symptoms of _Salmonella _Hindenmarsh infection in this animal include general malaise, diarrhea and death after 12-24 hours.

Animal reservoir: This serovar is associated with sheep.

Geographical distribution: serovar Hindmarsh is found mainly in New Zealand, but there are some reports of serovar Hindmarsh isolation in Australia and India.

Outbreaks: Outbreaks in ewes have been reported in New Zealand. In 2013 one outbreak killed hundreds of sheep in more than 40 farms.

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