Restore the system


Original Scheraga RAID card is OK.

Using a RAID card is more robust than not using the card.

All but one of the existing hard drives is fully operational.

Rebuild 1: Operating system

Summary recommendation


Unknown: ChemIT to confirm drives pass a drive test. If they pass the test, re-deploy them.

Result would be status quo:

Rebuild 2: Data

Summary recommendation


One hard drive has a broken board. Current plan does not require it, so thus likely not worth expense to fix.

Unknown: ChemIT to confirm other 5 drives pass a drive test. If they do, redeploy at least 4 of them.

Unknown: A hard drive port in the head-node might not be usable. If needed, it would need to be confirmed it can still work.

Result would be same storage space and redundancy for data:
