ChemIT staff members work hard to bring value to to CCB research, teaching support, and administrative groups. Learn more about what drives us!


See also

Questions to answer

ChemIT exists to:

Provide local, focused IT services in:

The types of services are either unique or value-added.


Office Desktop Computing and related

Instrument supportComputational and Cluster serversOther stand-alone serversOther*

Yes: Crane: Fileshare

Scheraga: Synology storage

TeachingYesYesNo Yes

ChemIT: Large storage for software

CCB: License server


*Other includes:

Chen group's data storage "bays"

Cerione and Crane's 3D-viewing hardware and software (Linux)

Crane (and others?) SBGrid

Teaching lab computers, 3 distinct sets totalling over 100(?) off-network laptops

Stockroom's custom-built Point-of-Sale WebApp

Physics Testing Center custom-built grading systems (3)

ChemIT's Actions and Decisions are:

ChemIT Priorities are:

We measure what we do by:

Seeking evidence of failure.

Meaningfully measuring and presenting what ChemIT does over time.

Tools and Techniques


