Leslie Kinsland, Ealick's group, manages CU's SBGrid software licensing.



Cost summary:

Idea one:

Idea two: CCB pays centrally so anyone in the CCB who is in the consortium gets access to campus-hosted SB Grid application server run by James VanEe.


Idea: Consortium pays so anyone in the consortium gets access to campus-hosted SB Grid application server run by James VanEe.

The numbers:


CCB has a “master” server in each of Ealick, Cerione, and Crane areas

8/28/13, from Leslie: Our licensing from Harvard is for the period July 1 - June 30 and is based on the number of institutional users, currently 6 (at $1,716/group). If we add an additional user, the total cost increases, but the cost per user decreases, theoretically generating a rebate to the current members. (...)CRCF has been in charge of the actual software implementation within chemistry. Hopefully Atillio left records on the logistics involved. If not, James Van Ee <jiv2>, who manages it for the members in Weill and the Vet School might be able to give you some pointers on the setup.