Consider 3rd party tools to improve AD integration for Mac desktops so they can more effectively use CIT's SFS service and yet also still benefit from Mac Home Directory-style behavior.


The amount of data to move informs how long copying will take.


All in GBs















Are there a large number, or unusual, applications on the iMac or laptop? (These would need to be reinstalled with a clean OS.)

What email client is Will using? A: Outlook

What are Will's default account privileges? A: User. Has an Admin account for updates, installs, etc.

To do's

FIRST: Transition Will's remaining dependencies on Mac server and upgrade OSes

Step 1: Move Will's data on Mac file server to CIT file server

Once this is down, Will's primary (non-Dropbox) work documents are no longer on the Mac server for either the iMac or the MacBook. Instead, those files are on the CIT server.

Related info:

Step 2: Upgrade desktop iMac

Timing: When Will is away this Thur/ Fri (8/15-16).

Leave iMac in Will's office, but ensure Will has logged into the iMac so ChemIT staff can "see" what he sees under his account.

ChemIT then upgrades iMac with clean (and current) OS, 10.8.

Step 3: Upgrade MacBook

Timing: AFTER Will confirms iMac is "good". Hoping for early in the week of 8/19".

Ensure Will has logged into the MacBook so ChemIT staff can "see" what he sees under his account.

In ChemIT's office, upgrade laptop with clean (and current) OS, 10.8.

Step 4: Move Mac file server out of Will's office

Timing: AFTER Will confirms iMac and MacBook are "good".

Move server to ChemIT's office for re-purposing or (eventual) disposal.

Will's to-do:

SECOND: Test ChronoSync on laptop, and hopefully implement

1. Enable the laptop to access Will's directory on the CIT file server.

2. Install and configure ChronoSync on the laptop (see below for discount link).

3. Test putting files on Will's <wrd33> directory on the CIT file server, syncing, disconnecting, modifying the file on the laptop, reconnecting, and finally checking the file from the iMac.

ChronoSync software

The following software may help address Will's needs to have the same set of files on his 2 Macs, even when off-line for the laptop:
(Compare price discount with educational discount?)
With ChronoSync, you can synchronize, backup, and create bootable backups. ChronoSync can synchronize or backup to almost anything you can connect to your Mac. That includes folders on your Mac, other Macs, PC's, external drives, NAS drives, or anything you can mount to your Mac. Whatever your backup or sync scenario, ChronoSync has got you covered.
Synchronization: Do you need to have your files on more than one computer? ChronoSync is the solution. ChronoSync synchronizes your files so when you switch computers all your files come with you. When you switch back, just sync and your changed files are updated on the other computer. If both files have changed, several options are given so you don't copy over a file you need. You only need to install ChronoSync on your primary Mac because ChronoSync mounts the destination Mac and synchronizes.
Mac to Mac: Whether it's one folder or all your files, ChronoSync keeps your files in sync on both your Macs. ChronoSync brings power and simplicity to the old hassles of keeping your laptop and desktop computers in sync. No more forgetting to update your contacts list, or forgetting to move that important presentation to the laptop. ChronoSync automates these tasks for you in a stable, easy-to-use environment. It keeps track of every file so only files that have changed get updated. You may only want to keep some folders and files in sync on your two Macs due to hard drive space limitations, no problem, ChronoSync can handle any scenario. If you want to keep everything the same on both Macs check out our Home-to-Home Sync tip on how to keep your entire User folder in sync on two Macs.
With ChronoAgent for Mac OS X on your destination Mac, you can: