Oliver's notes related to tasks to address CCB's Computing Committee's requests and needs.

See current CCB Computer Committee page.

Top-level ideas

Increase visibility and clarity regarding facility's activities and funding. Clarify service offerings and scope. Express our work to confirm value and ensure proper direction of our efforts.

Outcomes might include:

For: April 2 2013 mtg

Collect this data for all four CRCF staff:

1) Record hours spent per group for ticket-type tasks which take more than 1 hour.

2) For non-ticketed work which takes more than 1 hour, record time and the associated "problem/ project" being worked on.

Method  (DRAFT!)

For ANY multi-day >1 hour work, create a ticket, even if not an "incident" so we have a unique number associate with this mult-day work. Record time either there, or elsewhere, referencing ticket number. Add up total time at close of project, or when snapshot requested.


Share information of our considerations and actions related to systems we have authority to manage. These can represent a necessarily dynamic "Standard of Practice Bar", if you will.

Ex. Remove Java where possible, and why.

For: March 5 2013 mtg

Start answering the question "What does CRCF do, and for whom?"

A: CRCF does about 75% of their work in direct support of Research.