CIT is moving Cornell's staff/ faculty email and calendar services off-campus (to "the cloud", or to Microsoft's "Office 365") February 2013.

Memo sent by CRCF

Chemistry staff, faculty and researchers,

CIT is moving Cornell's staff/ faculty email and calendar services off-campus (to "the cloud", or to Microsoft's "Office 365"). This is a very large, complex migration, mostly managed by CIT.

I would like to address two important questions you may have about this migration, along with important actions you may need to take.

1) WHEN is your move?

    The moves for Arts and Sciences, including Chemistry, are being staged over the first three Tuesdays in February (Feb. 5, Feb. 12, and Feb 19).

    CIT has, or shortly will, email  you with your specific move date. You should receive this CIT email about 3 weeks before your move.

Action required by you, please:

    Related info:

2) WHAT must you pay attention to?

On the day of your migration, email will not work until your email software is reconfigured, which many of you may want to do yourselves. (Same for calendar.) This includes your computers (work and home) and mobile devices.

CRCF staff <crcf> will be available to help anyone make their software changes on their migration day.

CRCF staff <crcf> can most effectively help you with any unusual email clients (such as Eudora) well before your migration day.

Action required by you, please:

     See below, under section (2), to learn what we mean by “unusual or non-standard email clients”.

Worst case scenario: In the short-term, you can use a web browser to do your email and calendar tasks until your client is properly re-connected, <>.


Awareness requested, please:

Much of the information in this email is specific to the Chemistry department, and is designed to complement the information CIT continues to send you. CIT is responsible for provisioning our email and calendar services so continue to pay attention to their emails. If you have ANY questions or concerns about CIT's instructions, please contact CRCF <crcf> so we may assist you. Thank you.


(2) WHAT needs to change on your email (and calendar) client?

CIT's emails to you discuss the software changes needed, breaking down the tasks into pre-migration steps, and post-migration steps. Make sure you either understand CIT's instructions, or contact CRCF <crcf> so we can help you.

CRCF staff don't anticipate much difficulty migrating the following contemporary clients, following CIT’s instructions:

And if you use web mail (called Outlook Web App, or OWA), you will use a different web address after your migration:



Please contact CRCF <crcf> if you use Eudora, Thunderbird, or any other email client not listed above. On the migration days themselves, we'll triage so that "tough" client connection problems, especially if you use a more unusual email client, may have to wait until the following day for us to concentrate on resolving them. Thank you for understanding.


Working through this "one time" migration can be very confusing, intimidating, and in some circumstances, very complex. Don't hesitate to contact CRCF <crcf> if you have any questions or conerns.

The above information, along with links to CIT's documentation and CRCF's updated information on this project, is available at CRCF's wiki:

      Chemistry IT (CRCF) > Projects > Office 365 migration

Please let us know how we may assist you. And thank you for your support and understanding as we all work through this migration project together.

-Oliver, and the rest of the CRCF team



Expanded details related the above truncated information

As you know by now from CIT's communications via postcard and emails, the university is moving Cornell's on-campus Exchange services (email, calendar) to an off-campus (cloud) hosting service by Microsoft. Campus-wide, this is being staged over three months (Dec-Feb). For Arts and Sciences, including Chemistry, our moves will be in February. Additional timing details below.

This change goes by several names including, "moving to Office 365", "migrating Exchange to the cloud", and "transitioning our email to Microsoft", and similar permutations.

IMPORTANT: After the move, your email (and calendar) clients will need to be changed so they can continue getting email (and calendar info).

We'll need to work together to reduce surprises to you and to CRCF staff trying to assist you. CRCF staff are ready to assist you, including answering your questions and helping to make the necessary changes.

For the first two (of three) migration dates (Feb. 5 and Feb. 12), CRCF will coincidentally be one staff person short those days. And for the last, largest, and most complex migration day (Feb 19), we expect to be at full capacity.