CCMR's file server, which is depended on by Eldore and Skeeve. Also provides file server access to Windows systems.

Project lead: Oliver

AFS: Andew File System. Allows kerberized access.


The turning off of CCMR's AFS server causes no interruption. Specifically:


Explore options. Budget and otherwise characterize options, perhaps with a recommendation if trade-offs are clear enough.

Migrate services to selected option(s).

Option 1: Use A&S's Network Attached Storage (NAS) service.

Oliver's meeting notes, 11/28/12's mtg

Ideas discussed:

Current CCMR billing, which covers far more than AFS f

Decision at meeting:

Oliver to start identifying technical options, and characterizing trade-offs.

Past email threads, pre-meeting

Barry, 11/20/12, 2:34 PM

CIT now has a Shared File Service which is robust, backed up, and affordable. The cost is $12/month for 150GB which would easily accommodate all the data currently in CCMR AFS. Access is with NetID. It can be either NFS (more Linux friendly) or CIFS. If you get this or another network file store, I can help folks transfer data from AFS eliminating the need for CD/DVD creation.

Peter, 11/20/12, 12:51 PM

Old home directories should be backed up to CDs and/or other media. The CD's could be simply mailed to users, who wants to have them. CAC has its own user account system.

There may be other approaches that preserve user's accounts/directories in a local server, but arguably there is any benefit in doing so.

Oliver, 11/20/12, 10:23 AM

(3) Provisioning remote home directory services.