Testing Protocol for GH Bladed

Testing Protocol for GH Bladed

Testing Protocol for ANSYS

Below are the step by step video instructions of performing protocol test on ANSYS CFD and FEA package and their associated workbench files. Please download the files before proceeding to the videos.

1. CFD

Download CFD testing files here

Video of instruction on checking the ANSYS CFD package:

2. FEA

Download FEA testing files here

Video of instruction on checking the ANSYS FEA package:

3. Linking Solidworks to ANSYS

Solidworks has an Add-in feature that allows the users to import Solidworks model directly into ANSYS at a click of a button. The ensure the Add-in activated, click on "Add-Ins" from tools in the menu tool bar. A window that contains a list of Add-ins will be prompted. Check that ANSYS 14.0 is checked.

After ensuring ANSYS Add-in is activated, the user can load the Solidworks model into ANSYS by clicking on "Workbench" from "ANSYS 14.0" from the menu tool bar.

ANSYS workbench will be launched and the Solidworks model is automatically imported, as shown below:

Testing Protocol for Compilers

See here.